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Now is our Chance to Heal the World?

The pandemic has created a major shift in the way we live and take things. For most of the population, it has created difficulties in terms of financial issues. We sometimes don’t even know how America is in so much debt and still running the way it is. Who does it owe that much anyway? And if it can work smoothly, so can all of the other countries. The other issue is the mental health problem that everyone is facing. The  positive  outlook doesn’t last long in such scenarios.    Climate During this pandemic, we saw the better side of climatic changes around the world in this  gift of life . Dolphin sightings, clearest of skies (minimal pollution), silence (less noise pollution), and most importantly, the largest hole in the ozone layer healed itself! Aren’t these subtle messages by the nature that we should change our way of living?   Living with minimum needs It was great to see that because of the pandemic, many had to do work on their own, b...
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Are you afraid of Changes in your Life?

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What are the odds?

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Seeking Truths of Life

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Can being “Positive” feel Forced?

We are in a world where there is a lot of negativity. Staying positive is the new trend. As much as it sounds good, sometimes it may feel forced. The very pressure of staying positive becomes a bit much when it isn’t like that in their real world. There is this one  gift of life   where one should feel just as they do, instead of what others want them to.  What is forced or toxic positivity?   Forced positivity is the thought that people dealing with a disease need to continually portray themselves in an optimistic mood or light, and that thinking “on the bright side” will help with the hurt. This is awfully common on social media where people are anticipated to only show the good side of their lives.   The term 'toxic positivity' refers to the idea that focusing on the alleged positive emotions and reject anything that may activate negative emotions is the right way to live a life.    The pressured feeling   This kind of feeli...

Where is the Love?

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Happiness and your Mental Health

Depression has affected more than 264 million people— yet it can be tough for some people who live with it to find the resources they want. Whether it’s a safe space to share your feelings anonymously, useful self-care methods, or the latest in mental health research, you should know that you aren’t alone. It’s a  better world  when everyone is in it together, fighting away.  Your happiness depends on your mental health. No amount of material gains will satiate it. Money is a temporary object for fulfilling happiness, but real mental health is finding contentment within no matter what the circumstances stand. Your  future   and your past are not there, the only thing is the present.  Eradicating mental health issues such as anxiety and depression would raise happiness by 20%, whereas eliminating poverty would boost happiness quotient by only 5%. In other words, handling your mental health problems would be four times more helpful at increasing happine...