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Showing posts from June, 2020

Having Grit and Exploring Spiritual Feelings

Resilience is bouncing back from any hardships that any person may face in life, coming back stronger, mentally, and physically from that hardship and moving on to make a more meaningful life. Grit refers to the willpower that an individual shows in pursuing his long-term goals. For any person to demonstrate resilience and high grit, he should have a  positive   orientation in life with profound values and purpose through which they attain meaning in life. It can be assumed that if the level of mysticism/spirituality would below, there will be low grit as well as low resilience observed.  Spirituality is a private belief that acts as a sieve through which an individual perceives and understands the world. It influences how they live, how they react to stressful situations, how well, and how speedily he recovers from moving strain. It gives a sense of meaning to this  gift of life  and may or may not contain belief in higher divine supremacy. People with a spiritual direction may vi

What is a Meaningful Life?

Some people seem to spend their whole lives disgruntled, in search of a reason, a  positive   purpose. Philosopher Iddo Landau advocates that all of us have everything we need for a significantly meaningful existence. A meaningful life is one in which there are enough aspects of adequate value, and pointless life is one in which there is not a satisfactory number of aspects of sufficient value.  Simplicity    For a life to be precious, or important, it needn’t have to be unique. Believing that specialness is tied to meaning is another error many people make. This mistaken belief leads some people to unreasonably see their lives as inadequately meaningful and to miss ways of enhancing meaning in life. They forget the  power of now   and this  gift of life .    We move, we meet new kind people, have fresh experiences, bump into new ideas, and age. As we change, our values alter, and so does our sense of purpose in life, which we must continually work on. The transformation ca

Understanding the Notion of Common Good

Have you ever wondered why common good is important for a certain new beginning ? Let’s start with the basic definition of “ common good ”. As a philosophical idea, the common good is best understood as part of a surrounding model for practical and realistic reasoning between the members of a political community. The common good is a significant notion in political philosophy since it plays a central role in philosophical expression about the public and private dimensions of public life. The happiness , future , love is connected to common good. In normal political discourse, the “common good” refers to those facilities—whether cultural, material, or institutional—that the members of a society or community give to all members to fulfill a relational duty they all have to be concerned for certain interests that they have in common. Some examples include liberal democracy for road systems, safety, and security of the society, transportation system, etc.  Applying it in Real Lif

Including Love and Compassion in times of a Pandemic

Whether there is a pandemic or not, in today’s world we need to have a lot of compassion for others. This virus has opened up a lot of eyes to a new way of thinking. There have been huge  changes,  and there is a hint of  a new beginning   of some sort. The affects of showing love and compassion Firstly we need to carry such action with a genuine heart. There shouldn’t be an ulterior motive for the care you give. Yes, it is easy to write but you need to spread  happiness  unconditionally today.  The person doesn’t feel alone- Lot of people right now feel that it is the end and no one is there for them. If you can help them be themselves and listen, it will do a great deal of goodness. Let them know that they are together in this fight which will make them feel like there is a  better world .  Gains confidence- You need to let them know that nothing is permanent and that includes this time. Show them how to fight with little steps. Show them

Meditation and Reading for Inner Peace and Happiness

Did you know that meditation helps eliminate negativity? Studies have shown that there has been a modest change in anxiety, depression, and pain because of meditation and mindfulness. Mindfulness-based therapy has also shown some kind of improved results. The  changes  have helped people see the world in a better way leading to  new beginnings .  The year of 2020   This world is seeing a lot of pessimistic incidents. The year 2020 has been giving us big surprises of different kinds and different parts of the world. With the pandemic around, protests, wars, and several other unknown individual personal problems, it is getting heavier to breathe each day. There is immense worry about the  future . Hence it is important to prioritize what you see and what you believe.    Books of humour and philosophy   The internet is a dangerous world. It is not for the faint-hearted. There is news coverage of all kinds that one wouldn’t want to indulge in. You can start by controlling w

The World after Coronavirus- It’s a New Beginning

We all know how this worldwide pandemic changed lives for many. For some, it’s been a roller coaster ride, for others, not so much. But we can safely say that it has changed everyone’s life- from a toddler to the elderly people, it has brought many life-altering   changes .    The Negative aspects   While many have the money for food, shelter, medicines, equipment, the internet, the basics to live a comfortable life, most of the population doesn’t have it. They are struggling for information, cannot afford certain basic things, have lost their jobs, and are ignored by the filthy rich. It may not sound good, but this is reality. For many, this is a very hard time mentally too. People staying under one roof have lost  happiness ,  a   stable   future ,  even  Love .    There are rising cases of alcohol abuse, domestic violence, divorces, depression, and anxiety. There is frustration, miscommunication amongst the household members, increased household chores with no help aroun

Changing Perspectives for the Common Good

There are so many incidents in life that change our perspective now and then. Some of us are rigid to just one opinion while others are open to many possibilities. This is the real  gift of life   that makes us who we are. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it doesn’t harm to know other's ideas and possibilities. What is  Emotional Intelligence ?  According to the Oxford Dictionary, it is “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically”. Now, this is important to have good relationships with others and understand them better. This is also helpful to see their perspective on life. Emotional intelligence is important for leadership. And if you are the leader, you need to have an open mind to other’s viewpoints.  How does changing perspective help? It helps in a better understanding Being open to several viewpoints helps open doors to so many stories- The ones th

Little Things- Finding a Positive Perspective towards Life

You have two choices- become a cynic or see the brighter side of everything. The first comes with its own share of burdens in your life. If you are ready to accept and embrace it genuinely, then we are with you. But why is it always important to take the hard road? You can look for  happiness ,  a lovely  future ,  pure   Love ,  and a   better world   in a fine little ways.  Be observant   To find positivity in every aspect of life, this is the number one rule. You have got to be the person who observes more. Look out for changing patterns, colors, clouds, leaves, someone’s smile, behavior. Feel the taste of the food, a person’s touch, smell that smoked pizza. This helps in being in the present too- the  Power of Now .   For example- If you see a beggar on the road smiling away, think about how it might have happened and how these things make for a lovely life in a bigger picture. An elderly may give you blessings because you just helped him/her get down from the bus only

Individuality and purpose of Life

Ever wondered what do you wish for out of life? Do you identify with this  giftof life ? A lot of people have difficulties answering this question. We all need our philosophy in life or we risk drifting, and answering to random stimuli and information with little to no impact on our long-term goals. A philosophy of life is largely a vision or attitude towards life and the purpose of it. Human actions are limited by time and death. But we stop thinking about it. We fill up our time with mere distractions, never to ask whether they are of any significance, whether we value them. Without personal beliefs, we end up living without a direction towards a  better world .  Having a Purpose is life-changing   Living without purpose is perilous. Nothing gives a person true peace,  happiness , love ,  inner wholeness in a distinct understanding of where they are heading. Robert Bryne once said, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”   To get someplace, you need to identify your e