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What are the odds?

What are the odds that we were born on this planet? What are the odds that there is life beyond this galaxy? What are the odds of getting the coronavirus again even after the vaccine is made? There are questions that we all crave answers for. While some will answer what you want to hear, the positive, others will be objectively answering it.

Biomedical research habitually focuses on the discovery of relationships (associations) between variables (phenomena or attributes). It is significant to note that association may or may not signify a causal relationship. This depends on numerous factors. 


This is the gift of life that everyone needs to accept no matter what the answers. You are here and will be here for as long as your life permits. 


Coincidence or accident?


Many believe in serendipity, signs, telepathy, things that are beyond our explanation. Some believe in the power of nowit is said that there is a way of things happening without even us, consciously knowing it. The level of awareness needs to be humongous. You may give it a name or a phrase, but the feeling of goosebumps remain and that cannot be defined. We live in a world of spiritual beings. Everyone has their own definition of experiences that take place in life. Whether you call it cosmic associations, magnetic field vibration, or “everything happens for a reason”, it will not change the fact that it did actually happen- that you keep asking “what are the odds of that happening”. 

Our conscious mind will try to find the Common Good in it. It will try to explore further, deeper into many things but still won’t get answers. Even if they do, it will be in their perspective only. It can differ from person to person. 


We have rational and emotional intelligence in us to use it appropriately. So why not just have fun with it. What were the odds of Einstein concluding? What are the odds that you will see an alien in the future? These are things you should delve upon and have fun with, but to find the exact answer may ruin your mind. We have one life, it is short, dark yet beautiful. There will be things among others to exploretill then stay safe in the pandemic and this vastness of life that we have got.


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